66 Reasons Why Joe Jacoby Belongs in the Hall of Fame
Recently we here at HTTR4LIFE partnered up with “The Hogettes” in an effort to get Joe Jacoby into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Jacoby has been on the outside looking in now for several years since becoming eligible. It’s become our number one goal to assist in any way possible in this process, as the sportswriters of America have failed thus far in their duties to enshrine this legend of the game.
Today, the Hogettes released the following video tribute to Joe’s career, as the campaign to get another Hog in the Hall of Fame has officially begun.
In a statement made last year, The Hogettes had the following to say:
We have started a list of, “The 66 reasons why Joe Jacoby should be enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.” We ask Skins’ fans everywhere to submit their best one, two, or three reasons why Jacoby should be in the Hall. The best ones will be added to our list to set an overwhelming story for Joe’s path to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. We will be posting the list as well as HOF voter social media information and we encourage all fans to tweet, email, Facebook, Instagram, etc… HOF voters on Joe’s behalf. Let’s take over Canton again!!! “Hail to the HOGS & to the Redskins!!!”
Currently, there are 46 Hall of Fame voters, who for some reason, are keeping Joe Jacoby from enshrinement in Canton, Ohio. Their media affiliations and Twitter handles are listed below.
Let your voices/opinions be heard by these individuals, who up to this point have remained in anonymity to most football fans, not in the know.
Hail to the Redskins…and HAIL TO JOE JACOBY!
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